Wednesday 18 February 2009

This is a card I made for a special friend I made 18 months ago on a web site called,
moanaboutmen, she is a friend for life, and also a fellow card maker.

I posted this to her home well in advance of her valentine birthday, but as the day
got closer , the card seemed no nearer. OMG moment!!!

The night before her birthday she had an idea, on occasion the postie put things in
the barbecue, but always left a note. Low and behold there was my card, in a parcel
waiting to be discovered.

Sara also decided she was going to stay up till midnight so she could open my card.
After opening it, she thought I hadn't signed it. Sara likes her wine!!!!
Next day after much sleep, she found my writing, its in a tag behind the last picture,
"Oh Sara, you make me chuckle"

1 comment:

  1. you just ha dto tell them didnt u!! lol, my card rocks, and i love making my own,!!!
